Monday, March 3, 2014

American Politics, Pro Wrestling & Gangsters

Politico Magnifico by CM Thiede
Politico Magnifico

In this series I wanted to depict how over-the-top the 2012 political climate had become. If being inundated constantly by propaganda and rhetoric from every media source wasn't enough, people, mostly staunch Republicans, would reiterate the same sound bites from these sources as if they were slogans to live by. Their words would carry in an almost evangelical manner, arousing supporters within earshot to aid in amplifying those words while inciting Democrats to offer their articulated summations of what their party was trying to do as if they had the only clue.

At any rate, it was easier to pick on the conservative camp because they puffed out their chests and got loud and emotional about everything. Each side thinks they're the only people that "get it" and the whole divisive nature of it all just reminded me more and more of the drama filled world of pro wrestling. Two men enter the ring, one gets their ass kicked. It seemed to me like the whole process had become just one giant reality show with the media outlets capitalizing on the ever growing tension between the supporters of each party. Who should care about the subtle nuances of economic policy when it's all about who gets their clock cleaned in the debate?

Whoa! Did you see that?

Politico Magnifico 1/6
Politico Magnifico 1/6
[7" x 7"] mixed media on wood

Politico Magnifico 2/6
Politico Magnifico 2/6
[7" x 7"] mixed media on wood

Politico Magnifico 3/6
Politico Magnifico 3/6
[7" x 7"] mixed media on wood

Politico Magnifico 4/6
Politico Magnifico 4/6
[7" x 7"] mixed media on wood
Politico Magnifico 5/6
Politico Magnifico 5/6
[7" x 7"] mixed media on wood

Politico Magnifico 6/6
Politico Magnifico 6/6
[7" x 7"] mixed media on wood