Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I Want to Know What You're Thinking

Actor, George Clooney, dressed up in a Batman costume


Why does THAT guy think it's up to HIM and his FRIENDS to write the country's future? What is HE looking to get out of it and what are THEY going to get for blowing up the world?

Everyone with half a wit who voted for Biden the last time, having held off on a run straight out the gate on account of his son, must have done some math in their heads about age/terms, right?

If Hillary was a consolation prize that nobody wanted, and Biden came off the bench 4 years ago to save the team that couldn't get it together without him, you'd think one would have written a hard four into the script with a replacement ready to let him off the hook in 2024 if age was a concern.


Instead, they waited until a glitch in the Matrix led everyone to question their own reality and said, "Quick, quick, plug in a new script!"

Sorry, George, isn't going Down Like That!

Do the math.

#2 is always a potential #1.

Or, did you forget how to spell potatoe?

I don't believe Biden is a man that wants to go out as a vegetable. There's so many objects falling from the sky right now, it's easy to take your eyes off the ball.

You have to make it all the way over the finish line before airing out your laundry.

Get it together!

#1 gives the keys to #2 after signing into law, the new: Age Limit for US Presidents.

That's sounding like an easy sell for most people walking the earth right now, let alone either side of an aisle. 

#2 becomes #1,

appointing (?) to be #2.

And maybe, for the greater good of humanity, they drum up support for a runoff election being added to the electoral process to finally put an end to the Nader Effect.

No more co-opted parties!

No more hijacked agendas!

Just a full spectrum of choices to wash away polarization like a rainbow after a storm.

dark sky over green pasture, double rainbow appearing along horizon, a haystack shiny with sunlight in the middle ground and a broken down old red 50s Chevy pickup in the foreground.

Who better to get the phrasing right for such an argument than an attorney? The Every Vote Counts Act (EVCA).

Anyone willing to buy into that?



You, Tammy Baldwin?

Tammy Baldwin, blonde hair,  blue shirt, speaking at a campaign stop, left hand outstretched, right hand holding microphone.

You, Ron Johnson?

Ron Johnson, white hair

hat's your REAL concern with that? Don't want to "work" for a living?

That goes for you, too, Mr. Grothman.

aging male with white hair and glasses looking up with a perplexed look on his face

You've taken more than enough trips to the south now, it can't be a PERMANENT VACATION (some say second home). If all you can come up with is, "It's Biden's fault," you may not have the proper amount of imagination required for this one.

What's your grand plan for regulating all that's gone unregulated for as long as most voters have been alive? That's YOUR job, NOT the President's. This one, the last one, the one before that, the other one, the one before the other one or even the other one's dad!

Good grief.

If you really, and truly, did the math last time, you've already accepted that it's her call to make.

What happened between then and now?

A debate?

What people should really be asking is, "Who's upset with HER doing the play calling and WHY?"

Isn't that what everyone voted for last time? To ride out a play? Now, State Senators and US Representatives are crying foul...

"Hey, my turn buddy, back of the line.

Just four, no more!"

What are THEY looking to get? Is that what STATE RESIDENTS want or what their DONORS want? Go on, tell everyone what you're after and put a live feed on the constituents you represent. Let's see if they think what YOU want is worth scorching the earth over.

There is a ton of stuff that needs fixing right now, and it all gets written up by you all, CONGRESS, not the POTUS!

It shouldn't take the gates of hell opening to pen some legislation. That is some serious: poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine, bullshit.

Come on, out with it #TammyBaldwin,

tell #JoeBiden what you really want so you guys can work as a team. 

Or, are you looking to go backwards in time?

#hovdePI can have all the cheese he wants.

But, if you don't respect your elder, it'll be #hovdePI going home with the entire bag of curds! 

Haven't you heard of a defensive wall?

Enough already, enough. 

The gravy train is over. You'll have to work a whole lot harder to keep up with the WILD CARD party!

The Technocratic Party? Live the meme.

The Evolution Party? Power FWD.

The B. Goode Party?

picture of Chuck Berry doing his famous Duck Walk while strumming his Gibson ES

Could you imagine?

No more Theatre of Pain!

Cover of Motley Crue album, Theatre of Pain, with white Comedy and Tragedy masks side by side against pink background. Tragedy mask has an upside down pentagram on forehead.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day 2024

A picture of the American Flag, cropped showing some of its stars and stripes, red, white & blue

"Let us recognize this day we told a king to eff off and celebrate our commitment to handling our own affairs. Yeah, put down those tongs for a moment and ponder why so many are eager to shack up with one today."

Those words are ringing truer this year than last I'd say! 

On this 4th of July, 2024, I urge my American compatriots to eschew the barrage of vitriolic rhetoric and allow our Pale Rider to make it across the stream so he can safely dismount and hand the reins to his VP, where she may then appoint her successor. Any attempt at changing course now introduces far too many variables into the equation. 

“I do not allow myself to suppose that either the convention or the League have concluded to decide that I am either the greatest or best man in America, but rather they have concluded that it is not best to swap horses while crossing the river, and have further concluded that I am not so poor a horse that they might not make a botch of it in trying to swap.”  Abraham Lincoln

If there were ever a time one could presume a dark force at play, manipulating our fate, it would be the here and now. Can't trust the media, they have too much to gain by gluing everyone to their developing story as they orchestrate a profitable chaos. Can't trust party chairs to shuffle the deck, they'd like to keep it stacked.

No, it's up to everyone to stand firm and "Hold the Line."

As much as a third party could be the answer to so many Americans' woes, unless the constitution is changed and a runoff election is added to the process between primary and general, those votes will forever remain spoilers. I have a feeling this would be a tough sell for both Democrats and Republicans as it would only make them ALL have to work harder. More work for voters, too, I might add.

But, if enough people rally for that change, maybe it could happen and finally put an end to the severe polarization plaguing this nation. If a small faction of the population was capable of reversing decades of progress, a larger one should be just as capable of paving a new path forward.

Have a safe and happy Independence Day.

Amanda Plummer as Honey Bunny, sticking up a restaurant in the Major Motion Picture: Pulp Fiction

Every last motherfucking one of ya!


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Buckle Up, Rough Road Ahead!

close-up of a hand fastening a safety belt
I know things are moving fast, but I never thought we'd hit...


The previous corporation that laid claim to Lake Michigan (What does the FOX say?) with the promise of progress fell short of delivering the goods on account of realizing there was no way in the world they'd find enough workers willing to produce widgets in a zombie-like state.

Funny you mention that, I hear the "American Made" chip factory ramp up in Arizona isn't going so well.

What a relief to know it's not a state of Wisconsin thing, but an American "state of mind" thing. 

Efficiency at extreme scale doesn't come without having to give up a piece of yourself in order to get there. Maintaining it, means more pieces. Beyond that, you're talking full on DEHUMANIZER mode.

"Program the brain, not the heartbeat."

Enter our new digital savior...

Hi guys! We're buying up that vacant chattel ranch down the road. Going in a whole new direction. We're gonna weave our AI deep into the inner workings of everything operating. "This way, to technical paradise." Feed the dream machine baby!

What about workers though?


Where we're going, we don't need workers.

We got this guy, Not Sure (former Congressman & Chairman of the Select Committee on the CCP, rumored to be brokering a Palentir commitment, confirmed to be working with TitletownTech, linked with UWM and their Microsoft/OpenAI pipeline) and he's going to crank things up to ELEVEN!

Sure sounds like securing a path to victory for some sort of race, wouldn't you say?

Maybe Americans do need TikTok after all. Hustling for every last device owner's eyeball gaze could be all that's left. That, and sports. Workers need an escape from their jobs (some use the term careers) don't they? Because, like, work, can be a real drag, man.

That's not Freedom Rock!



WOAH, man, taking THAT much freedom from someone requires an equal, or greater, level of compensation, and you ain't paying THAT, man.

"Of course not, don't be ridiculous!"

That's someone else's job.

In another land.

Far, far away from here.

"So far, I just can't see."

Who really WANTS that job anyway?

We got you WISCONSIN!

Feed us your juice and we'll close loop the squeeze. "Know what I mean?"

Every last drop

And a little more

Ain't no telling

What's in store

Where we're headed

There's no way of knowing

Can't make it stop

The rowers keep on rowing 

Where the hell is this thing going?

"All aboard!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay..."


UBI, UBI, that's the answer!

It will fix everything!

For everyone!

Gettin' Paid


Sounds great, in theory, but that only works if billionaires (the gods themselves) all give something back to everyone that got them there.

Problem is, they believe they already have. That's why, they're...


Want to keep pulling the strings, then keep the hat filled. Kick some back, or keep jumping the moon. We all know doing both isn't possible, but picking one over the other sends a very clear message. There's only so many people on this planet that want to work just to consume more bullshit.

What happens when the genetically manufactured meat product someone ingests becomes a flesh eating virus that commandeers its host to continue getting more of what it needs?

Who, or should I say what, is going to put a leash on whatever that is?

It's about time the system got a rewire, don't you think?

American comedian, Gallagher, squashes a poop emoji with a large wooden mallet

Power off, POO POO HEAD!